All about user panels - Episode #6

Product Fit podcast by Airtime
Kate Towsey
28 minutes
Works at

About the podcast

I explored with Kate how to build user panels in a smart way, what traps to watch out for and how to make the most of them irrespective of the size of the company you are working at. Listen on!

Key learnings



Kate Towsey

Founder of the Cha Cha Club

Cha Cha Club is a members' club for ResearchOps professionals. Her career in ResearchOps spans over 10 years covering companies like Atlassian or BBC.


Akos Kiss-Dozsai

Co-Founder & CEO at Airtime

I'm a product builder, I took to market +5 products between 2015-2020. I developed product concepts and validated them through research. I was also responsible for structuring and market entry working with large teams. Since 2020, I'm the co-founder & CEO of Airtime.