How to get users excited about your product release

Product Fit podcast by Airtime
Anya Razona
35 minutes
Works at

About the podcast

Getting users excited about product releases is the main theme of this Product Fit podcast episode. I talked to Anya Razina about how to use live videos to spur high engagement from your user base.

Nothing is less gratifying than working on a cool new feature only to see limited interest upon release. Interest is a function of how well the feature solves a user problem and equally how the news and benefits are delivered to your users.

With Anya, we looked at best practices and examples how to boost the latter part of this equation.

Key learnings



Anya Razona

Director of Product Marketing

Anya is a former product manager turned product marketer who is an expert at presenting products via live video on social platforms. She happens to be the Director of Product Marketing at Restream


Akos Kiss-Dozsai

Co-Founder & CEO at Airtime

I'm a product builder, I took to market +5 products between 2015-2020. I developed product concepts and validated them through research. I was also responsible for structuring and market entry working with large teams. Since 2020, I'm the co-founder & CEO of Airtime.