Your AI researcher for
user interviews

Turn interviews and calls into transcripts in 100+ languages. Get auto speaker detection and instant insights. Ask questions and analyze calls on-demand.

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Discover key insights with your interview questions in seconds

Make insights truly accessible to anyone, on-demand

Skip the hassle & manual steps of analyzing user interviews. Ask any question, and Airtime distills all the relevant learnings from your interviews in an instant.

Find patterns with AI

Let Airtime identify recurring themes & feedback for you.

Get an instant grasp of feedback patterns and check your blind spots. With a single click, Airtime interprets recurring feedback from across interviews and provides links to the individual source recordings.

Interested in how it compares to manual pattern analysis?
Click to hear from an expert!

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Explore product feedback effortlessly

Get all relevant feedback for every user interview

Airtime automatically identifies key product feedback in individual interviews on topics that matter in product development, such as like unmet needs or pain points. Get 100% learnings with no fluff.

Case studies

How does it work?

1. Create your study

You'll be able to discover patterns and key learnings within the user interviews in the Study.

2. Add your Study questions

List questions you are seeking answers for in a user research study or other types of user calls.

3. Upload your interview recordings

Select the group of interview recordings (audio or video) that you'd like to analyze and get insights from.

4. Access the insights

Get all the relevant feedback snippets for your questions as well as a detailed pattern analysis - all automatically.


Find out how to
activate your users

Collect insights on friction points along the user journey

Airtime customers get up to 30% engagement rate with animated microsurveys. Target key moments in the user journey to eliminate difficulties for users to proceed.


Get all responses grouped into pain points automatically

Always stay on top of the latest and most acute customer pain points

Airtime identifies patterns in your survey responses and groups feedback into pain points saving you the time on manual analysis. Not once, but all the time as you collect new feedback.

Do you have a question?

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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in?

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Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et?

Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet?

Simplify user research with Airtimeux

Make user research easy and efficient with our AI-powered online tool.
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Airtime brings you the top industry thought leaders and inspiring product builders with pragmatic content that you can try straight away.